Saturday, 17 January 2009

Distribution in Reverse Teleclass

I attended a distribution teleclass hosted by Tanya Kersey (info below) a couple of evenings ago. I managed to record it and can send it to anyone interested. Its a big file so cannot post on here. Email me for more details.

As one of Hollywood's most respected and well-regarded entertainment journalists and commentators, Tanya is perhaps best known as the Founder, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the entertainment trade publication, Black Talent News and its companion website and as the Founder and Executive Director of the Hollywood Black Film Festival, an annual 6-day celebration of black cinema drawing together established filmmakers, popular film and TV stars, writers, directors, industry executives, emerging artists and new audiences from Southern California and around the world.

I have made her known about what we are doing here with Film London and look forward to her feedback. I will keep you all updated.

Distribution - Exhibition - Production - Training

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