Friday, 9 January 2009

Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin

Hello everyone – an invite for you all if anyone is interested. Thought it was particularly interesting since we’re talking about niche audiences… to celebrate Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender History Month Watershed we will be holding a special event with a particular focus on race.

We will be screening a documentary on Sun 1 Feb rarely shown in the UK called Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin which we’re importing from the US especially for the occasion. It’s about the life and work of openly gay black activist Bayard Rustin and the forgotten contribution of gay men and women to the Civil Rights movement – Rustin was the mechanic of the March on Washington. It was in the official selection for Sundance in 2003, has won numerous best documentary awards and recently enjoyed massive demand at South Africa’s Out in Africa Festival. FFI see

It’ll be screening with a short film called Look Again which deals with an inter-racial lesbian couple and immigration laws in the US.

It's a rare chance to see this film in the UK so if any of you personally would like a jaunt up to Bristol to see it let me know! If you have any mailing lists etc you would be happy to pop this on I have film copy/pictures if interested – please just get in touch:

See Brother Outsider trailer below:

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